Saturday, October 19, 2024

Elections Part Three: Finishing Up The State Of Washington----Ballots Have Now Been Sent Out October 18th

Some Election Comments

You will notice that I am including what should not have been omitted from Part Two, that is two Federal elective positions, Senate and Congressional.  The US Senate race involves the incumbent Democrat, Maria Cantwell and her GOP opponent, Dr. Raul Garcia. The other race I will comment on is in the 7th Congressional District, incumbent Democrat Pramila Jayapal vs her GOP rival, Dan Alexander.  My comments will be brief due to the reality is that neither GOP candidate has any chance of beating the Democrat.  

While it is a shame that many of the GOP candidates have some good ideas and positions, the national political reality is that any vote contributing to a GOP House and Senate majority in WA DC could potentially lead to disastrous national consequences extending far into the future.  That's why this election is too important to be too casual about.  

Do we need for tax breaks for the super wealthy?  Do we need more rubber-stamping conservative judges appointed to the Supreme Court?  Do we need to stop fighting climate change?  A vote on the national level for the GOP is a vote to turn back the clock but the clock, my friends, is ticking.  Hesitation this time could be fatal not only for our nation but for our planet's survivability.  This is no time to be a dumbbell.  We are past that moment. 

MAGA Politics: What Is It?

Many people keep yelling, lets "make America great again," which gives me pause, thinking, what "greatness" are they exactly referring to?   If anyone hasn't noticed, the United States keeps chugging along year after year, balancing the good with the bad.  Which eras are they longing to return to?  Could it be the Roaring 1920s, which brought the country Chicago gangsters shooting up the streets and the beginning of the Great Depression?  Ask any elderly American black how much fun they or their parents were having in the 1930s?   How would you like to to limited to a segregated water fountain when thirsty in the hot Alabama sun?  Yes, the 1940s had great dance music but wasn't there a terrible worldwide war ongoing?  How much fun was that, food rationing and innocent American citizens placed in concentration camps?   In the 1950s, the GI Bill paid for many former GIs college education, including my father's but the Middle-Class dream was not equally shared.  And top it off, Eisenhower laid the policy foundation for that disastrous war consuming the 1960s. Just what was the Vietnam Conflict all about, a war that ultimately killed over 58,000 Americans and an estimated 2-4 million Vietnamese?  This was and is  something to celebrate? 

I could go on decade by decade but my point simply put is that America is a roller-coaster ride, some enjoying the ups and downs while others are thrown clear out of their seats, landing on their proverbial heads.  What these MAGA supporters seem to be embracing is a kind of fantasy world that has never existed expect at Disneyland.  During my solitary visit there back in 1960 I loved the place but minus any doubt, even as a six-year-old I knew it was an amusement park and not daily American reality. 

 MAGA appears to me to be a kind of old-fashioned Isolationism, something very popular in our history but this version is an "Isolationism of the Brain." a setting aside of reality for an imaginary America that never existed and will never exist, these folks searching for an Utopia even beyond Thomas Moore's imagination.  The sad reality is that 95% percent of the American voting electorate have never heard or known of Moore, who he was and his time and place.   And worse, most could care less one way or the other, delusion their final destination, Utopia to them is a Big Mac and fries and a large Coke. Munch away!  Drink up! And cheer on your local NFL team!

But first! a few moments of self indulgent poetic nonsense (editor's note: skip if you will directly to the candidates).

A Doggerel Election Poem

America, America is in a sad place

All its Voters floating 

in Outer Space

Not knowing truth from a lie

Too many accepting verbatim anything said

From a most dishonest, dishonorable guy

Who doesn't care about you

nor me,

Totally obsessed with yet again

obtaining the White House key.

Why vote, why do they cheer 

for this complete buffoon?!

It can only mean you yourself too

are a misguided feathered loon

incapable of knowing Wrong

from Right

But if your brain has an internal 

100 watt bulb,

Please, Brothers and Sisters:

Please illuminate that 


Opening your eyes to much needed




 More USA Doggerel

Ain't it something, ain't it sad,

Our entire country gone mad!

Out of its mind, out of its brain,

It is complete Bedlam,

It's totally insane!

To a Jesus anointed candidate

To a Hillbilly VP

The election season has gotten very

October Halloween creepy!

All the GOP candidates 

monsters and vampires

seeking your election blood,

and after that,

burying all truth 

in the Helene and Milton

hurricane ravaged and flooded

 Florida DeSantis 



All this done with a wink at Ogden Nash (1902-71), thinking he would like my sass, then kick my ass!


United State Senator

Democrat incumbent Maria Cantwell vs GOP Doctor Raul Garcia 

Cantwell has been in the US Senate since the year 2000, and she isn't going to lose this election.  Check out her website and you will find she has been a good workhorse for the State of WA.  But her GOP opponent, Raul Garcia, is a moderate that would bring a fresh perspective to the Senate.  He is a ER doctor from Yakima in Eastern WA.  He owns a medical practice along with being the founding dean of two medical schools and medical director of two hospitals.  It is a wonder he has time to campaign.  I voted for Cantwell but a vote for Garcia isn't a bad choice except for what I said earlier about national implications. 

7th Congressional District 

Democrat Pramila Jayapal vs GOP Dan Alexander 

I voted for Jayapal but I didn't want to, her "Liberal-Knee-Jerk" reaction is sometimes minus thought but sometimes I just hold my nose when I vote.  Her GOP opponent seems like a Republican in the tradition of the late Dan Evans, a Boeing engineer and local arts supporter.  He seems to be a moral human being, something of a rare GOP animal in this Age of Trump. 

WA Sec of State

Incumbent Steve Hobbs vs Dale Whitaker

What the job does.  The Secretary of State oversees election security, state archives, public libraries and business licenses. 

Hobbs was appointed by Governor Jay Inslee to succeed the GOP Sec of State Wyman, who resigned to take a position in the Biden administration.  Hobbs won a special election in 2022.  Reading a report of a recent debate in Spokane between the two candidates, I can' really figure why Dale Whitaker is running for the office other than to tear it down.  Hobbs seems genuinely interested in safeguarding voter's rights as opposed to Whitaker's unfounded suspicions.  It seems Whitaker is a Donald Trump  Republican posing as a State of WA moderate.  I voted for Hobbs.  I predict Whitaker will garner 35-40 % of the statewide vote. 

WA State Office of Treasurer

DEM Mike Pellicciotti, incumbent vs GOP Sharon Hanek

I find this to be an interesting race.  But there are two figures which is going to translate into a Pellicciotti victory: a $464,000 Pellicciotti campaign war chest vs a mere $38,000 for Hanek, which is a shame because she might be the better candidate.  What Hanek is questioning is the 1.7 billion mishandled COVID funds creating an auditor's nightmare.  I think it would be wise to explore this issue more than I have time to give it.  

One initiative that Pellicciotti, promotes, dubbed the "Baby Bond", is officially called the WA Future Fund, something providing a $4000.00 trust fund for the estimated 40,000 yearly Medicaid babies born each year in the state. Interesting idea, trying to create a kind of affirmative action equality for the unborn.  Please remember that Donald Trump had 2 million dollars when he was born.

Hanek is a long time CPA.  She is interested in fiscal sanity.  I voted for Pellicciotti but I should have voted for Hanek.  She is the one I recommend.  Good luck, Sharon, is all I can say.

WA State Auditor 

DEM incumbent Patrice "Pat" McCarthy vs GOP Matt Hawkins

I pity Hawkins because he is running against a real buzzsaw in McCarthy.  She has been State Auditor since 2017 and it was her office that made 86 findings against 11 state agencies spending 1.7 billion in federal funds minus proper or sufficient evidence.  Hawkins is a law & order kind of guy but in McCarthy she is the Sheriff.  Vote for Patrice. 

WA Attorney General 

DEM Nick Brown vs GOP Pete Serrano 

These are the guys who want to replace the man who is about to become governor, Bob Ferguson.  Nick Brown is a former US Attorney for Western WA.  He also once served as Gov Jay Inslee general counsel.  In other words, he is a well known local figure.  Pete. Serrano is currently the city of Pasco mayor and once worked for the US Dept of Energy as an environmental lawyer helping to clean up the mess that is the Hanford nuclear site.  Serrano might be described as someone who believes in less government, advocating for folks to own guns regardless of need and not liking the COVID-19 mandates telling you to wear a mask during a epidemic.  Brown is for civil liberties.  I voted for Brown and think your vote should be cast for him too.  My only connection to Pasco is that I had two taxi fares to that distant E WA city.  Over $500.00 each time.  I liked that but not enough to vote for its mayor.  

WA Commissioner of Public Lands

DEM Dave Upthegrove  vs GOP Jaime Herrera Beutler 

The primary difference between them is their vision on how to manage WA St Forests.  Upthegrove wants to preserve more forests, allowing the trees to become second-generation "old-growth," while Herrera Beutler wants to utilize more of WA State owned timber to generate state income.  Both support fire suppression. I voted for Herrera Beulter in the primary and for Upthegrove in the general election.  To me, its a tossup.  Both will do a good and honest job.  You might remember that when in Congress, Jaime voted to impeach that scoundrel Trump.  It cost her her seat.  She is ethical.

WA Superintendent of Public Instruction

DEM incumbent Chris Reykdal vs GOP David Olson

There is only one real candidate here, and that is Chris Reykdal.  Mister Olson is another kind of Republican animal, no, not the usual elephant but an ostrich with his head in the sand. Olson is against accurate history being taught in schools, which translates into not wanting children to know the REAL history of their own country.  Reykdal's policy positions are ones of student empowerment, interested in students becoming independent thinking, not automations bowing down to mindless authority.  Reykdal is the only serious candidate here.  

WA Insurance Commissioner 

DEM Patty Kuderer vs GOP Phil Fortunato

Mike Kreidler, who held the position since the year 2000, decided not to run after some questioned his temperament, finding him belligerent.  Knowing the bad publicity wasn't going away, he stepped down, giving us the race we now see.  To me, once again, I only see one serious candidate, and that is Kuderer.  Fortunato isn't at all shy about being an advocate for the insurance industry, wanting them to issue rates hike minus review, his reasoning being this will ultimately lower rates, not increase them.  I'm glad he trusts insurers but I certainly don't.  In short, Kuderer will be a consumer advocate and her opponent will glad-hand the insurance industy.  Read her candidate statement in the WA ST voter guide and you will understand why she can be trusted to fight for you the WA ST consumer. She got my vote and deserves yours. 

WA ST Supreme Court, Justice 2

Dave Larson vs Sal Mungia 

Larson has been a judge for the Federal Way Municipal Court for 14 years.  He writes and talks as exactly who he is.  There is no mistaking that he is a professional judge.  Sal Mungia, the son of immigrants, is a next-generational success story.   He has loads of impressive endorsements and has argued before the US Supreme Court.  If you want a conservative take, vote for Larson.  If you are interested in a "breath of fresh air" on Washington's highest court, vote for Mungia.  I did.

 King County Superior Court, Judge Position 41

Paul Crisalli vs Andrew Schach 

Crisalli is the sitting judge.  Schach has been an Administrative Law Judge in the state of WA.  Both of their policy statements seem reasonable.  I voted for Crisalli.  The only way to truly know who is good or not is to appear before them as a defendant, something I would rather avoid.

City of Seattle Council Position # 8

Alexis Mercedes Rinck vs Tanya Woo, incumbent

I voted for Mercedes Rinck in the primary and Woo in the general.  Why?  Because Mercedes Rinck appears to espouse positions that have done little to nothing to addressing homelessness and street level drug abuse.  Woo is trying to be a little tougher, and besides, she is the only voice for Seattle's large Asian community.  Because Woo was appointed, if you don't like her, you can vote her out in a year or two. 

Legislative District 32, State Rep Position 1

DEM Cindy Ryu, incumbent vs GOP Lisa Rezac

Ryu has been in office for a longtime.  I even saw her in Olympia when I was doing something involving taxi.  I voted for her.  Rezac is a Brian Heywood "Let's Go Washington" initiatives fan.  That's enough for me to know I can't recommend her.  Boo!

Legislative District 32, State Rep Position 2

DEM Lauren Davis, incumbent vs GOP Lori Theis

I voted for Theis because she is "mad as hell" about all the crime related nonsense occurring on Aurora Ave North.  As someone who lived next to Bitter Lake for a few years before moving down here in NM, I can attest to the madness bleeding over from Aurora.  My cars were broken into twice.  Prowlers were frequent.  The condo association had to build a fence but still there was trouble.  Lauren Davis clearly is a caring person.  Theis seems like she is ready to starting screaming at all the fools allowing chaos in her neighborhood.  That's why I voted for her. Go ahead, Lori, shout your lungs out!  Maybe, just maybe,  someone will hear you. 

City of Seattle  Proposition # 1---Property Tax Levy Renewal for Transportation 

I voted no because it raises property taxes by about $600.00 annually on average and does not achieve what it sets out to do, repairing Seattle's failing bridges.  As I keep saying, Mayor Bruce Harrell, in my experience, is a clueless fool, and that is a kind assessment.   Seattle voters appear to be favoring this levy but I think it should be returned to the City Council for further revision.  Vote no and curse Harrell as you hit yet another pothole.


Okay everyone, you get what you got and maybe all my opinions is rot but still I had fun suggesting what vote to take, and if you don't like it, go jump in a lake (Lake Washington, that is!)

Vote your conscious, vote your mind, and hopefully, come November 6th, everything will be fine! 


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