Saturday, October 5, 2024

2024 Elections, Part Two

My Choice for US President 

As you will notice by looking at your ballot, there are a number of individuals and parties running to be president of the United States.  Unlike many European countries, where more than two political parties have real opportunities to govern, here in America it remains a two-party system despite numerous other hopefuls.  If a strong third-party candidate emerges, that person acts as a spoiler, as Ralph Nader did in the 2000 election, drawing away votes from the Democrat Al Gore, and giving the presidency to the Republican George W. Bush.  I recently created a stir when I said to a group of email buddies that Cornel West would make a good protest vote if you lived in a state, like Washington, where Harris was assured of victory.  One very emotional response I received was "Are you out of your f_ _king mind!" saying, minus a doubt that many, myself included, feel that the stakes are high, not wanting to see Donald Trump back in the White House.  

My official choice (my ballot is already filled out and mailed) without question or hesitation is the Democratic ticket of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.   I really don't feel the need to repeat what is obvious to anyone who understands history: Donald Trump was the worst president in American history, as rated by a group of American historians (Biden was number 14), and completely undeserving of a second term. Rhetoric is not sustainable policy.  It is that simple.  

As concerning a candidate like Cornel West and his Justice for All party, it's true he has some great ideas but whether they would be possible to implement if he was president is difficult to say.  To anyone paying attention, the USA is run like a giant corporation, with the President, more than Commander in Chief, is in reality the CEO of USA Inc.  That is the truth of everything we are facing collectively as a nation.  And what a poorly run company the United States is, with a national debt of 28 trillion dollars.  That's nuts!  How will the nation ever get out of debt? It is a question that must be answered but as of yet, not Harris, not anyone is willing to tackle this issue. Welcome to America, everyone! 

Also a comment upon Robert Kennedy Jr and his run for the presidency, something he says he is no longer interested in.  A supporter I talked to hadn't known that he was a junkie into his late 20s.   By now, many have heard about his odd behaviors, and most recently, having an affair with a political reporter on the campaign trail.  Beware of junkies because, as someone who has gotten to know many of them while driving cab, they are folks who can never be completely trusted.  They lie, they deceive, not only you but  themselves.  Do junkies ever make a complete and thorough psychological recovery?  From my extensive experience, I say no, they don't.  My advice to everyone: don't shoot up heroin, not even once.  Last thing you need to be is permanently crazy.  Lou Reed's song, "Heroin," performed while with the Velvet Underground, is a great song, one of Rock &Roll's best but as a lifestyle, it isn't to be recommended.  "Heroin, it's my wife, it's my life," Mister Reed sang.  Not a great marriage. 

My final comment is that, whoever becomes president, the minimum criteria is that they must be reasonably sane.  I know that is a lot to ask of our fellow humans but insane rulers across history have caused incredible damage and misery, Hitler and Stalin being just two of many bad examples.  During Donald's term as president, I twice wrote to the GOP Senate Leader, Mitch O'Connell, expressing my concern that Trump was in early stage psychosis.  His deterioration continues.  I have watched silent footage of him onstage, and find his antics alarming.  Trump is mentally ill.  Why tens of millions of my fellow Americans cannot comprehend the obvious is a mystery.  Do they not understand dysfunctional behavior?   The sad answer may be that when they themselves are dysfunctional, how can they be expected to interpret dysfunctional behavior in someone else?   Maybe impossible is the answer.  How wonderful that isn't.

The Race for WA ST Governor 

Do I like the Democrat candidate, WA ST Attorney General Bob Ferguson, even after voting for him, and now recommending that you too vote for someone I view as a slimy asshole, as opposed to "good cop" Dave Reichert?  I watched as much as could of their first televised debate until I couldn't take it any longer, their snipping and snapping at each other tedious and boring.  

Ferguson is an arrogant bastard, while Reichert, even after more than ten years in Congress, is unpolished, making me wonder how he survived all those years in WA DC.  I watched 3 of his campaign ads in which he blames Ferguson for a series of issues, except there is one big problem with his assertions.  Jay Inslee, and not Ferguson has been governor for the past 12 years.  Reichert might be a bit confused, like mistaking the wrong suspect is a police lineup.  Regardless, Ferguson is going to be the next governor and not Reichert.  

In the primary, I voted for Mark Mullet.  I knew he wouldn't win but Mullet, an owner of four ice cream shops, is certainly a better flavor than Mister Bob "Rocky Road" Ferguson.  And does anyone remember the name Semi Bird?   Bird had the official endorsement of the WA State GOP party but lost in the primary, yet another candidate doomed to be forgotten in the misty fog of history and time.   And thank goodness for that!

The Race for Lt Governor

The GOP candidate, Dan Matthews, a former US Air Force pilot and commercial 747 airlines captain is not going to beat that professional politician Denny Heck, who has been holding public office, since it seems, from kindergarten.  Matthews appears to have some solid ideas and would be a change from Heck, which is why I voted for him.  If Matthews suddenly found himself governor, it would shake up Olympia, and I'm not referring to the kind of earthquake tremors that damaged the Capitol Dome back in 2001.  It would be kind of fun!    

Who do I really recommend?  Write in your favorite comic book character.  When I was a kid I loved Donald Duck.  Or what about writing in both Goofy and Pluto as Governor and Lt Governor?  They are both canines and all the candidates I have mentioned are "dogs."  Sorry.  My apologies to both Lassie and Rin Tin Tin. And also to my childhood companion, Sadie, who was one fast pooch.  She was amazing, her sharp teeth keeping the bill collectors away from our door. 

I've decided to break this up into a Part Three.  With all these candidates and issues, I want everyone to be "clearheaded" when making you choices.  Not like Tina Peters from Mesa County in the State of Colorado who has recently been sentenced to 9 years in prison for violating her official election duties.  You don't want to be like her!  Peters is just one of many Trump supporters who have ended up arrested and sent to jail while he remains free to daily lie to everyone.  One would think that these ill-fated folks would catch on to what is happening.  Maybe they just aren't that smart, something they hold in common with the ex-president.  

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