Monday, July 31, 2023

Veteran San Francisco Cabbie Takes A Spin In A Robotaxi & NYC Cabbie Attacked And Beaten & Hey Seattle Cabbies: Remember That You Are Operating A Business

San Francisco Standard's Article and Video---"We Took a San Francisco Cabbie for a Driverless Car Ride.  He Had Opinions."

In a July 27th article by Han Li, Barry Taranto, a longtime "City-by-the Bay" cab driver and board member of the San Francisco Taxi Workers Alliance, took a ride in a robotaxi from Delores Park in the in the Mission District to Lands End in the Richmond neighborhood, essentially the oceanside end of Golden Gate Park.  The attached two minute video is worth watching, Mister Taranto providing nonstop commentary along the way.  Some of the positives to the autonomous cab, according to Taranto were "It doesn't have road rage." and "It's not cursing out other drivers," which I'm sure is true.  The ride is a hilarious moment in current taxi history.  Worth checking out.

New York City Cabbie Afzal Butt Makes a Poor Decision---He Got Out of his Cab

New York media was abuzz with the July 19th story that five people, three women and two men, attacked and unmercifully beat a Yellow cabbie on a Manhattan street.  Why all this happened was not explained.  Also not explained was why, since these folks were not his passengers, he got out of the cab to argue with them.  The cabbie was hit with both fists and shoes.  Two of the assailants were immediately arrested.  The three other suspects are being sought.   Again, lock the doors, stay in that cab.

Imagine Yourself as a Grocery Story, or a Coffee Shop

In other words, all of my fellow cabbie comrades need to finally recognize that they are legitimate business owners, incumbent upon them to understand what their obligations are 24/7.  Operating in a daze is not acceptable.  Why am I saying all this?   Because many driving Seattle Yellow cabs remain unaware how to deal with City licensing requirements, along with ignoring Puget Sound Dispatch when PSD wants to talk to them.  When will it ever end?

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