Friday, June 29, 2012

The Value & Promise of Dialogue

Today I was engaged in a conversation which gave me hope that thoughful consideration through active dialogue can and will acheive sought for resolution. The topic was one mentioned here before, the monetary audits that are currently requested by the Washington State Department of Labor & Industry.  The issue, as I have previously examined, is many-sided, containing a long and complicated history. With the United States a federal democacy, states with conflicting approaches add further confusing dimensions.  What today's conversation taught me again was the value of patience.  Not everything is add water or mix unless you are pretending to be an orbiting astronaut and drinking your Tang orange juice substitute.  But no, one must be grounded in that sense, committed to the earth minus your head flying high in the sky.  The key today is that everyone listened to each other, and the result appears to be another larger conversation whose aim will be understanding and compromise minus animosity.  That is my wish and goal.  I have no other than longer plans of being permanently out of the taxi and reading and writing daily.  It is always wise to keep goals modest.  If life is a kind of intricate game, then more than winning two out of three, it appears to be more like 700 out of a thousand, taking many attempts upon the problematic mountain to reach the pinnacle.  One must try, and that is what we did today, trying to resolve the confounding routing to where we need to be, hence the value and promise of talking sensibly, possibly a kind of religiosty minus any defined deity, letting common sense be our totem and nothing else.

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