Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The June First Strike Against Puget Sound Dispatch That Never Was & Corrupt Yellow Cab Dispatch 1992 & Eventually, Dennis Roberts' Ashes Will Be Buried In Columbus Falls, Montana & More Travel

 You Seattle Yellow Cab Drivers Only Have Yourselves to Blame

June 1st was to be the day that Yellow's maligned drivers told Puget Sound Dispatch management to "stuff it," and strike the MV Metro account for three days, protesting those potential $50.00 fines assessed for not living up to MV's Draconian mandates concerning arrival and pickup times.   There are two major problems here, and add another given driver attitude.  

The first is PSD General Manager Amin Shifow's failure to protect the owner operators funding PSD.  I will spare him the harsh commentary he deserves.  From my personal experience, blasting him will not change his behavior.

A second point is the City and County's failure to protect a regulated industry from abuse.  This is not something new but a continuation of bad and shortsighted policy.  But this isn't going to change due to owner operators failure to organize and stand up for their rights, which brings me to driver attitude.  

The strike failed to materialize despite flyers made and nearly a full month to organize because, despite constant complaint, the owner operators have no real interest in defending themselves against despicable PSD and MV Metro behavior.  Like sacrificial lambs, they allow themselves to be led to slaughter, their blood spilled on the seats of their cabs, red, not yellow the color of their taxis. 

A Bad Era at Seattle Yellow Cab

In a conversation with a former Yellow cab owner and driver, he told me how corrupt Yellow's dispatch was in the late 1980s, early 1990s, bribes and feeding the everyday norm.  I believe his story on how he was fed a fare to California carrying a passenger with a large parcel of marijuana all the way to San Jose, a Bay Area city south of San Francisco.  He first stopped at dispatch and paid the dispatcher his bribe, then drove to California, earning $3000.00 for the trip.  This same driver also told me about one of the majority cab owners daily use of prostitutes, something that was an ill concealed secret.  I know that person well. 

And if anyone is still wondering why the demise of the American taxicab industry, I suggest you wake up and smell the gasoline.  Too many selfish assholes being the real reason Uber and Lyft won.   When you don't care, you simply don't, and that, everyone, is the way it was then back in 1992.  Take the money and screw anything and everything else, including hookers!

Dennis Roberts' Mother is Buried in Columbus Falls, Montana

Given the proper space in time, I will be transporting his ashes to be buried next to his mother.  The cost, including headstone, is barely $500.00.  I will have a marker made engraved with a toplight.  Once I am nearing my departure, I will do another "Go Fund Me" effort on his behalf.  Why am I making the effort? Because too many cabbies are just kicked down the road, that's why.   Dennis deserves better and I am ensuring that he is given his proper due.  Unlike too many others who don't, I do care.  Dennis also cared, making him someone deserving a lasting remembrance.  Maybe one day, you too will drop by Columbus Falls and pay your respects to a fallen (taken by Covid-19) driver.  I certainly hope so.

Drive Highway 395 in Oregon

Beautiful roadway!  Fourth night out I camped off of 395, taking Forest Road 15 to the Wickiup Campground located next to Canyon Creek, quietly nestled in the Fremont-Winema National Forest.  I had the camp entirely to myself.

Also, in the same general area, off Oregon Route 31, and just a few miles outside of Paisley, is the Chewaucan Crossing Campground, located just above the Chewaucan River and in the Malheur National Forest.  I have camped there 3 times.  Great area.  And the river is wonderful. 

Take the time to get out and explore!  It is worth your time.


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