Thursday, September 8, 2011

Before I Fly Off.......

Sometimes passengers are so obnoxious (or crazy) that it is noteworthy. How could so-called "normal" folks be so abnormal or perhaps all male graduates from Eastern Washington University are like the following fools.  If they are, all E WA co-eds beware!  After the Husky vs Eagles football game this Saturday past afternoon, I picked up 4 alums going downtown who could not stop making various references to their all important penis.  For a full ten minutes I kept hearing about their conquests, how hard they are, etc.  The moron in the front seat liked to use the term "dicking" when referring to intercourse.  Somewhat comical was the native of India attempting to be "one of the boys!"  Hey, bub, that accent is not Country & Western no matter how hard you try!  I will call these guys the "orgasm brothers" and leave it at that.  They were in their 30s going on age thirteen.  Unfortunately, it appears the majority of our nations colleges produce these kind of goofballs.  So much for the vaunted benefits of a university education.  Would these schools please begin offering a few courses like Maturity 101 and How Not to be a Fool 202.  They should be required for graduation.  It appears to be necessary.

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