Monday, January 28, 2013

The Wolf Moon Was Howling

NPR's quick daily peek at the universal sky, "Star Date," made a reference to the current full orb as the "wolf moon."  The reason why I missed but this past Saturday a speeding black Ford Mustang passed me on the narrow shoulder nearly forcing me into merging with an equally reckless gasoline tanker truck, almost making me into a barbecued cabbie. Makes me glad I have life insurance!  My start earlier in the day  was similarly  inauspicious as first I was given a County-only bell in Zone 500, something my car wasn't qualified which turned out to be the infamous White Center Safeway and of course the long suffering and waiting customer wasn't there.  Directly after that nonsense I received a HopeLink call in Zone 265 which turned into a no-show and 25 minutes tossed into the taxi abyss.  By that point I am sure the Wolf was grinning, having a grand old time, wasting 45 minutes of my day.  Wag that tail, old Wolf, wag that tail!

Literate passengers the ride makes as there was  a librarian convention in town this weekend, approximately 15,000 book-oriented conventioneers enjoying the city and tipping the cabbies.  Thanks in part to them I filled three full trip sheets (26 fares per) and had a reasonably successful weekend despite the moon affiliated mayhem including two fares resulting in quick termination.  Overt masculinity will be the death of the world or at least the demise of civility.

One of my last rides was very complimentary, remembering me from two years hence.  He had moved to Texas but said he had been a passenger of mine many times, complimenting me on my ____________.  Ah yes the yin and the yang, the sweet and sour of it.

From the Munson Motel to my taxi was the transference of trouble, as Susan gracious but drunk and smelling like one huge opened can of tuna sought my assistance in addressing her lamentable and unfortunate state of affairs.  My taxi reeked for hours even after intervention.  She needed another motel room but complicated everything by not having any ID or at least she could not find it. Going through her belongings failed to retrieve it.  Her purse was filled with loose cash including many one hundred dollar bills.  Dropping her off at Tai Tung I was later called back to pick her off of the floor.  In addition to a martini she had pulled a bottle of wine out of her bag, downing its entire contents. She agreed to entering detox and finally 3 hours later they came and got her.  What had the Wolf been drinking?

This upcoming Friday I visit the office of Sally Clark who is the current president of the Seattle City Council.  We will be discussing the for-hire car issue, not that I am that interested in the subject but intervention is necessary.  I would rather sleep.

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