Saturday, October 5, 2024

2024 Elections, Part Two

My Choice for US President 

As you will notice by looking at your ballot, there are a number of individuals and parties running to be president of the United States.  Unlike many European countries, where more than two political parties have real opportunities to govern, here in America it remains a two-party system despite numerous other hopefuls.  If a strong third-party candidate emerges, that person acts as a spoiler, as Ralph Nader did in the 2000 election, drawing away votes from the Democrat Al Gore, and giving the presidency to the Republican George W. Bush.  I recently created a stir when I said to a group of email buddies that Cornel West would make a good protest vote if you lived in a state, like Washington, where Harris was assured of victory.  One very emotional response I received was "Are you out of your f_ _king mind!" saying, minus a doubt that many, myself included, feel that the stakes are high, not wanting to see Donald Trump back in the White House.  

My official choice (my ballot is already filled out and mailed) without question or hesitation is the Democratic ticket of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.   I really don't feel the need to repeat what is obvious to anyone who understands history: Donald Trump was the worst president in American history, as rated by a group of American historians (Biden was number 14), and completely undeserving of a second term. Rhetoric is not sustainable policy.  It is that simple.  

As concerning a candidate like Cornel West and his Justice for All party, it's true he has some great ideas but whether they would be possible to implement if he was president is difficult to say.  To anyone paying attention, the USA is run like a giant corporation, with the President, more than Commander in Chief, is in reality the CEO of USA Inc.  That is the truth of everything we are facing collectively as a nation.  And what a poorly run company the United States is, with a national debt of 28 trillion dollars.  That's nuts!  How will the nation ever get out of debt? It is a question that must be answered but as of yet, not Harris, not anyone is willing to tackle this issue. Welcome to America, everyone! 

Also a comment upon Robert Kennedy Jr and his run for the presidency, something he says he is no longer interested in.  A supporter I talked to hadn't known that he was a junkie into his late 20s.   By now, many have heard about his odd behaviors, and most recently, having an affair with a political reporter on the campaign trail.  Beware of junkies because, as someone who has gotten to know many of them while driving cab, they are folks who can never be completely trusted.  They lie, they deceive, not only you but  themselves.  Do junkies ever make a complete and thorough psychological recovery?  From my extensive experience, I say no, they don't.  My advice to everyone: don't shoot up heroin, not even once.  Last thing you need to be is permanently crazy.  Lou Reed's song, "Heroin," performed while with the Velvet Underground, is a great song, one of Rock &Roll's best but as a lifestyle, it isn't to be recommended.  "Heroin, it's my wife, it's my life," Mister Reed sang.  Not a great marriage. 

My final comment is that, whoever becomes president, the minimum criteria is that they must be reasonably sane.  I know that is a lot to ask of our fellow humans but insane rulers across history have caused incredible damage and misery, Hitler and Stalin being just two of many bad examples.  During Donald's term as president, I twice wrote to the GOP Senate Leader, Mitch O'Connell, expressing my concern that Trump was in early stage psychosis.  His deterioration continues.  I have watched silent footage of him onstage, and find his antics alarming.  Trump is mentally ill.  Why tens of millions of my fellow Americans cannot comprehend the obvious is a mystery.  Do they not understand dysfunctional behavior?   The sad answer may be that when they themselves are dysfunctional, how can they be expected to interpret dysfunctional behavior in someone else?   Maybe impossible is the answer.  How wonderful that isn't.

The Race for WA ST Governor 

Do I like the Democrat candidate, WA ST Attorney General Bob Ferguson, even after voting for him, and now recommending that you too vote for someone I view as a slimy asshole, as opposed to "good cop" Dave Reichert?  I watched as much as could of their first televised debate until I couldn't take it any longer, their snipping and snapping at each other tedious and boring.  

Ferguson is an arrogant bastard, while Reichert, even after more than ten years in Congress, is unpolished, making me wonder how he survived all those years in WA DC.  I watched 3 of his campaign ads in which he blames Ferguson for a series of issues, except there is one big problem with his assertions.  Jay Inslee, and not Ferguson has been governor for the past 12 years.  Reichert might be a bit confused, like mistaking the wrong suspect is a police lineup.  Regardless, Ferguson is going to be the next governor and not Reichert.  

In the primary, I voted for Mark Mullet.  I knew he wouldn't win but Mullet, an owner of four ice cream shops, is certainly a better flavor than Mister Bob "Rocky Road" Ferguson.  And does anyone remember the name Semi Bird?   Bird had the official endorsement of the WA State GOP party but lost in the primary, yet another candidate doomed to be forgotten in the misty fog of history and time.   And thank goodness for that!

The Race for Lt Governor

The GOP candidate, Dan Matthews, a former US Air Force pilot and commercial 747 airlines captain is not going to beat that professional politician Denny Heck, who has been holding public office, since it seems, from kindergarten.  Matthews appears to have some solid ideas and would be a change from Heck, which is why I voted for him.  If Matthews suddenly found himself governor, it would shake up Olympia, and I'm not referring to the kind of earthquake tremors that damaged the Capitol Dome back in 2001.  It would be kind of fun!    

Who do I really recommend?  Write in your favorite comic book character.  When I was a kid I loved Donald Duck.  Or what about writing in both Goofy and Pluto as Governor and Lt Governor?  They are both canines and all the candidates I have mentioned are "dogs."  Sorry.  My apologies to both Lassie and Rin Tin Tin. And also to my childhood companion, Sadie, who was one fast pooch.  She was amazing, her sharp teeth keeping the bill collectors away from our door. 

I've decided to break this up into a Part Three.  With all these candidates and issues, I want everyone to be "clearheaded" when making you choices.  Not like Tina Peters from Mesa County in the State of Colorado who has recently been sentenced to 9 years in prison for violating her official election duties.  You don't want to be like her!  Peters is just one of many Trump supporters who have ended up arrested and sent to jail while he remains free to daily lie to everyone.  One would think that these ill-fated folks would catch on to what is happening.  Maybe they just aren't that smart, something they hold in common with the ex-president.  

Monday, September 30, 2024

This Posting Is Dedicated To The Late Matt Driscoll Of The Tacoma News Tribune: 2024 Election Recommendations, Part One----Never Take Your Ability To Vote For Granted

Dedicated to the Memory of Matt Driscoll, formally of The Seattle Weekly

It is my sad duty to report that a past ally of the Seattle taxi industry, Matt Driscoll, editorial page editor and columnist for the Tacoma News Tribune, died suddenly at his home on July 22, 2024 of what has been described as hypertensive heart disease.  I knew Matt thorough his work at the Seattle Weekly, where he sometimes wrote and reported on our local taxi struggles and me personally.  Just this past June 10th, Matt and I exchanged a friendly email, with Matt commenting that "that not much had changed" for Seattle taxi since his time at the Weekly.  Too true of course but the loss of Matt is not the kind of change the Tacoma News Tribune or the local writing community needed.  His political outlook embraced everyone, whether he agreed with them or not.  He was compassionate and just.  His empathy will be missed by the entire State of Washington.  Goodbye to a good man and writer.  There is a GoFundMe account set up to assist his wife and 3 children.  I donated.  I encourage you to do the same.  

Don't Be A Dolt, Vote!

According to Merriam-Webster, synonyms for dolt, are, in part, numbskull, dimwit, dunce, dullard, ignoramus, doofus, chowderhead, buffoon. lamebrain, clodpoll; all very descriptive nouns of someone who isn't particularly bright.  And given the history of the United States, if you are foolish to the point of taking the privilege of casting a vote for granted, then you too are worthy of another synonym: idiot.  

For those amongst us who could be categorized as "asleep at the wheel," for much of American history, voting rights, and who was allowed to vote, was limited by prejudice, discrimination, racism, misogyny and pure hatred of humanity in general.  Much of this animosity remains, illustrated by the continuing obstacles to voting now put forward by GOP allies and conies, doing everything they can to restrict everyone's right to cast a ballot.  In our nations's early history, only white, male property owners could vote.  I think some would be happy if that still was the prevailing reality, not letting the unwashed rabble have any voice in deciding their own fate. 

Across the globe, a vast percentage of the world's population still have little say when it comes to deciding who governs them.  Here, for the moment, we still share that right to elect who represents us locally, and at the state and Federal government level. Be glad you have this special privilege.  

Back in November 1972, when I was 18, back in Denver, Colorado, I  was thrilled to be able to vote for  George McGovern for President and Patricia Schroeder for Congress.  Schroeder was a great congresswoman, later dubbing Ronald Reagan the "Teflon President" for nothing ever sticking to that not completely honest president.  Regardless of anything, vote this election season.  Make your voice, your vote count! 

And clodpoll is another word for blockhead. Com' on, I know you don't want to known as someone like that!  Be a bright, shining star in our twinkling elective universe.  Vote!

My Recommendations for 2024, National and Local (Seattle, King County, State) Elections, Part One

As I don't see myself moving back to the State of Washington, for economic reasons if nothing else, this will be my last commentary on what, locally in Seattle, will no longer be a concern of mine.  Matt Driscoll, when writing at The Seattle Weekly, commented on my past recommendations, which is how I came to know and appreciate him.  I am listing the WA State Initiatives and the Candidates in the order they are presented on your ballot.  I do not list the candidates who have no opposition, so in that sense there are a few omissions.  I also don't list the candidates that are not in my Broadview/North Seattle district.  I did some small research on all of the candidates I have listed, hopefully implying that my recommendations are based upon fact and not bias or misinformation.  I might, minus argument, hate everybody in general but I try to be selective with my personal perdition. One must be broadminded!

The Statewide Initiatives: Numbers 2066, 2109, 2117, 2124

What is important to know is that these initiatives exist due only to the effort and money from one man, Brian Heywood, a hedge fund executive (worth approximately 25 million dollars), who created "Let's Go Washington," Heywood funding an army of petition gathers to get the initiatives on the ballot.  I will briefly describe each one but I voted against all of them.  Why?  Because, with these initiatives becoming WA ST law,  the over all heath and physical well-being of WA ST residents will be put into jeopardy.  

Is Brian Heywood an evil man, looking to kill his fellow Washingtonians, a kind of mass murderer?  Of course not but money appears to be behind his reasoning, an as usual response of a rich individual seeking to keep as much money as they can in their own pockets.  His pretext is that HE LOVES YOU, you his fellow Washington residents, and by saving him money, you too are saving money regardless of any and all real consequences accompanying an initiative victory.  To everyone who says that there is too much money involved in today's political spectrum, that money can't buy an election, "Let's Go Washington" is a case study.  "Let's Screw Washington" is more like it, and laugh all the way to the bank!

For the sake of brevity, I am only providing the initiative numbers and not their full title.  Also, my explanation will also be brief.  For more detailed information concerning the initiatives and the candidates, please consult the WA ST voter's guide along with doing research online yourself.  What I don't recommend is being lazy, voting all Democrat or GOP while knowing nothing about the person you have used your precious vote on.  Be an informed voter.  All I am providing here is a primer, and not anything that should be regarded as the full story.  

Initiative #2066

If this initiative becomes law, it would prevent local and state officials from barring natural gas ranges and usage in your kitchen.  Why would anyone think of doing that, taking away your ability to fry your breakfast omelette or pancakes with natural gas?  Because countless studies show that the gas is filling your kitchen, thus your lungs, with toxins.  Here in New Mexico, my stove is fueled by propane, which probably isn't much better than natural gas.  Before voting either yes or no, I encourage everyone to examine all the science regarding this.  If I end up living here permanently, I will go solar and everything, stove, water heater, heating, will be electric.  Yes, gas is great for cooking but do you want to be limiting your life expectancy while frying that steak?  Maybe not.

Initiative #2119

What this does is repeals the Capital Gains Tax on certain earning above $250,000.  This is a fat cat's money grab, something most of us will not have to worry about.  The reason the State of WA needs this kind of revenue is because there is no state income tax.  And this year, the WA ST House and Senate passed a bill prohibiting the State from implementing a state income tax though there were no plans to do that in the first place.  

Everybody wants a free ride!  Who wants to pay for anything?  No one is the answer but at the same time everyone wants paved roads, police protection, etc.  Does anyone want to pay for all these services?  No, it should be free, allowing everyone to eat at MacDonald's every night, go to Seahawks games with all that money they no longer have to provide to local and state governments.  And Brian Heywood will keep getting richer and richer.  But he will be eating at the Canlis Restaurant, sipping one-thousand dollar a bottle vintage wines.  You, you'll be drinking Bud Light!  Ha! Ha!

 Initiative #2117

Heywood says he believes in carbon-based climate change then laughs, and chuckles, "produce more oil!"  What this initiative does is prohibits the carbon tax credits that are at the center of the 2021 State of WA Climate Commitment Act (CCA), embracing a goal of reducing emissions by 95% by 2050.  Ask all the current flood victims in the American SE battered by Hurricane Helene if they believe in carbon-influenced weather alterations?  

What has happened since the CCA was passed is that BIG OIL is passing on the costs to the WA ST driver at the gas pump.  In some recent publicity stunts, Heywood has given individual gas stations $1000.00 to temporarily lower the gasoline to $2.99.9 per gallon to make his point that Governor Jay Inslee is to blame for the high cost of gasoline, discrediting the effort toward reducing car-based emissions.  What Heywood is ignoring, along with many others, is that much of the high taxes related to gas prices in Washington is due to an unbalanced funding system filling state coffers.  The money to provide basic services has to come from somewhere.  From Heywood's personal pockets?  No, no, that can't happen!

Initiative #2124

The goal of this initiative is to allow workers to opt out of the WA Cares Act, a kind of State of Washington supplement to, if you will, to Federal Social Security programs, acting as an aid to cover future medical and nursing home costs. The automatic contribution from a paycheck is 0.58 percentage points.  For some historical context, the GOP is still furious with FDR's creation of Social Security way back in August 14th, 1935.  As anyone knows, medical costs of all kinds in the USA and the State of WA continue to rise.  Having a "nest egg" to cover those costs is not a bad idea.  

Here is what you will read if you open the WA Cares Act website:

"Helping You Cover Your Tomorrows"

The WA Cares Fund ensures all working Washingtonians can earn access to long-term care when they need it."

All this sounds good, at a VERY minimum cost.  Not unlike the Russian serf during the reign of Catherine the Great during the 18th Century, where the Russian peasantry were expected to work and then die all for the benefit of the landed gentry and royalty, Heywood wants YOU to remain complacent, and when falling ill, suffer, unable to pay the bills.   His objection to the WA Cares Act is political, holding a grudge against government-mandated assistance programs.  What happens to you the worker, he has no real concern. That's his bottom line.

And concerning Heywood, do you have any idea what a Hedge Fund is and what it does?  Investigate and perhaps understand that Hedge Funds might be the worst instrument of the Capitalistic Economic model governing our lives.  What I am hinting at, is that Heywood very likely is not your friend.  If you think he is, call him and ask for one of those 1000 dollar bills he is handing out.  Tell him you need the money to fill up your gas guzzling GIANT pick-up truck you have no good reason to be driving. 

NEXT WEEK: Part Two----the Candidates and Seattle Proposition # 1


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A Taxi Dream & King County Licensing's Difficulties

A Dream this Morning

I should have written it down sooner, this vivid dream of driving my cab, with barely any time to spare and I was off to Europe but first I had this fare to serve before I could go.  Everything was fine, and even a Seattle freeway entrance ramp new to me magically appeared, allowing a quick arrival to my passenger's destination, an address I knew because this passenger is someone in waking reality I know well, his usual routine a roundtrip from 6th Ave S and Yesler Way to the Broadway and Union QFC.  

In the dream, we were talking about the fare, no, forty not enough, sixty no, how about eighty dollars? a kind of funny, unusual conversation with an odd, difficult passenger I always tried to avoid because his fussiness was maniacal, not sane, his grip unrelenting.  Now here I have him residing in my dreaming hours, not quite haunting, this time generous.  And did I make it to my flight in time?  I think so, flying off into the sky far, far away from that nightmarish land that is Taxi.  And madness.  And everything else I wish I had avoided. 

A Friend's Telephone Call this Morning

alerted me to a dilemma of him being told by King County Licensing that, according to them, his six months driving Uber/Lyft didn't exist, so "sorry" you're out of luck, but Uber/Lyft  "said they sent you the paperwork" but no, we don't see it.  Turns out my friend, who is driving TNC because his taxi was destroyed by some reckless fool in January, confused King County by remaining an actively licensed medallion holder.  Or something like that.  

I made some telephone calls.  Sent some emails, one not completely nice and, praise the Taxi! not the Uber gods, I got a positive email in response and my friend a productive telephone call saying "Come on down tomorrow, we got it figured out."  That he lost 1 1/2 weeks of income of Seahawk football and other prime opportunities is something that cannot be retrieved.  I could say more but I am tired.  Yesterday I hiked for five straight hours.  Today I walked 2 1/4 hours in the Black Range.  I think I am getting into some kind of basketball shape.  Watch out fellas, I am ready to raise hell on the court!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Taxi Potpourri

 Mem Shannon---"A Cab Driver's Blues"

Mem Shannon was a cab driver in New Orleans, who also played the guitar, and back in 1995, he put out a record/CD.   It is great.  Interspersed between the songs are conversations Shannon recorded of passengers in his cab.  Anyone who has driven cab can identify with what is going on in his cab.  Track 9, "The Miserable Bastard," is my favorite, Shannon recording this asshole of a lawyer in the backseat.  God! the crap people say to cabbies.  It is ridiculous!  Gert Town/Rykodisc Records.  Every cabbie should listen to this even if you are not a fan of the blues. 

"I'm a taxicab driver and I have problems...." he sings.  "There has to be a better way, if my luck ever changes I'm gonna quit this cab business some day."   "Boy! Boy! Boy! what a life!"

He is now out of the cab and touring and making records.  Good for him.  I just heard the conversation again with that lawyer.  Painful!  Yeah, he's a complete bastard.  I've had too many like him in my cab, insulting, revolting people, oblivious to the crap spewing out of their mouths.  

Fucked Uber!

A cabbie friend sent me an U-Tube video about 7 cabbies who put their smart phones on a table and watched how they were being offered different rates for the same fares.  What was, and is happening, is that Uber is controlling the algorithms governing its app.  Uber is obviously discriminatory.  I noticed it when I worked the few Uber months I did.  Some of my friends are making great money driving TNC, others not.  "What is going on, they ask?"  As I will always say, Uber is immoral. 

Crazy Seattle Traffic

I don't miss it.  And to think I once averaged 5000 miles a month on those congested, hilly streets. KIRO News reports that Seattle has the second worst congestion and the third worst traffic among 49 measured major Metro areas.  Los Angeles ranks first.  About six months ago some fool Seattle Times columnist wrote that traffic hadn't reach pre-pandemic levels.  Of course I knew he wasn't driving in it for a living everyday.  Most of Seattle-generated opinion ain't worth shit!  And you can quote me.

Bullshit Bus Lane Violation Misreported 

Changing my car insurance here in NM, I was shocked to find a moving violation from April 11, 2022 listed on my driving record from Progressive, of course raising my rates up.  I could not figure it out until I called the reporting agency and discovered some fool in Seattle miscoded the violation, with it showing up as a moving traffic violation.  My WA State MVR is clear.   I called the City of Seattle to complain and got some idiot who knew nothing and who hung up on me.   Nothing new when it comes to incompetent Seattle.  Dysfunction City is what it is.  I will be getting it removed but it is taking some effort.  SCREW SEATTLE!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

New York City Taxi In 1924 & 9th US Circuit Court Of Appeals Uber Decision & Poem: "The Taxis" By Louis MacNeice

NYC Taxi Fare War 1924

One hundred years ago, taxi fares dropped from 30 cents a mile to 20 cents a mile, encouraging a huge increase in ridership and traffic congestion.  Taxicab ridership in August 1924 was averaging 300,000 passengers daily in New York City.  NYC population that year was 10, 943,000.  Some cabbies were complaining that the new rates were too low.  

Here is a list of monthly average taxi expenses for the NYC cabbie in 1924:

Car payment                 $132.00

Garage rent                   $25.00

Insurance                      $30.00

Gas & Oil                     $50.00

Tires                              $35.00 

Repairs                         $15.00

Association Dues.        $5.00

Total                             $301.00


Back in 1924, that was a lot of money.  Taxi overhead has always been high.  A rough estimate of my monthly taxi expenses, counting dispatch fees, insurance, gasoline was about $2000. per month.  That's why it always felt I was working myself to death.  Being a lease driver was a breeze.  Initially, way back in 1987, my entire weekend taxi lease was $100.00.  Even later at Yellow Cab, at first, I think the lease was $160.00. per weekend.  Later it was $200.00 per 48 hour weekend and still quite the bargain.  I normally had my lease and gasoline paid for by 7 AM Saturday, leaving the rest of the time to roll in the money. And gasoline was cheap, averaging 90 cents a gallon in 1987.  

Appeals Court Ruling 

Friday, a 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals panel, in a 2-1 decision, ruled that in the case of State of Washington liability laws, Uber owes "a duty of care" to its drivers.  This case involved the December 13th, 2020 murder of Uber driver Cherno Ceesay, stabbed to death in an apparent carjacking attempt by his Uber dispatched passengers.  This is a big deal.  If the ruling holds, big bad Uber will be liable for millions of dollars in this case and others.  I encourage everyone to search for articles concerning this decision. 

Taxi Poem by the Irish Poet Louis MacNeice 

MacNeice is a long time favorite and influence of mine.  He was born in Belfast in 1907.  Here is a strange, funny poem about taxis.  Please note: there are four stanzas with no double space in each stanza but my computer will not allow me to eliminate the double spacing hence the small line earmarking the next stanza.  Got that!?   Damn computer! and damn my lack of computer skills!

The Taxis

In the first taxi he was alone tra-la,

No extras on the clock. He tipped ninepence

But the cabby, while he thanked him, looked askance

As though someone had bummed a ride.


In the second taxi he was alone tra-la

But the clock showed sixpence extra; he tipped accordingly

and the cabby from his muffler said: 'Make sure

You have left nothing behind tra-la between you.


In the third taxi he was alone tra-la

But the tip-up seats were down and there was an extra 

Charge of one-and -sixpence and an odd

Scent that reminded him of a trip to Cannes.


As for the fourth taxi, he was alone

Tra-la when he hailed it but the cabby looked

Through him and said: 'I can't tra-la well take

So many people, not to speak of the dog.'


Odd piece of poetry.  I can only wish that the invisible dog would have growled at the cabby.  The clock mentioned is the term for the taxi meter.  On a personal note, my ex-wife, back when she was 14, studied dance in Cannes with the famous and not always nice Maria Tallchief. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Folks, I Am Still Paying Attention: Murderer Of Cabbie Nick Hokema Had His Preliminary Hearing August 12th & Uber Up To Its Old Tricks

 Finally the Trial is Beginning

I'm back to let everyone know that finally, the US Army soldier, Private Jonathan Kang Lee, faced a preliminary hearing on August 12th at the Fort Lewis Army base.   He is charged with the following offenses: murder, resisting arrest, wrongful use of a controlled substance and failure to obey a lawful order.  As some of you might remember, Lee has already previously been sentenced to 64 years in prison for child rape.  This time he was in shackles and escorted by four Army police officers.  Too little too late.  Hokema's surviving girlfriend keeps asking the question as to why hadn't Lee been held in custody prior to his rape trial.  Going AWOL, knowing he was facing a life sentence, is when he encountered Hokema, stabbing him multiple times in the chest. 

Unfortunately, that is all I can report due to almost no continuing media coverage of the case.  Seattle's KOMO News was the only media outlet covering the hearing.  Craig Sailor, a reporter from the Tacoma News Tribune, told me in an email that his news editor told him not to do any further reporting until there is a conviction.  At least you know that I will keep my reporting up to date concerning this.  At least you and I know why this case is so important.

Uber is Not Nice

That has been obvious for over ten years now, with Uber showing their true colors once again.  I could say they are black and white, the colors of that favorite smelly weasel, the skunk, but I don't want to insult those noble animals by associating them with evil Uber.  

This is what is happening in Nevada.  Uber continues to face multiple lawsuits across the nation pertaining to the many sexual assault lawsuits connected to Uber operators.  Using the state of Nevada as their starting point, they are sponsoring a petition drive to limit lawyer contingency fees to 20%.  Uber created a PAC called "Nevadans for Fair Recovery" but that's a misnomer as Uber is the sole financial backer, funding the petition drive with a cool five million dollars.

What all this is concerning are the fees lawyers are allowed to earn when successfully winning a suit filed by a victim against a big company like Uber.  Normally the lawyers are rewarded as much as 40% of any settlement.  Since this relates to Nevada, call if a kind of gamble on the lawyer's part.  Lose a case, regardless of time and money spent, and the attorney gets nothing.   What Uber is hoping for is to chase away any lawyer thinking of taking on cases threatening Uber.   As I keep saying, Uber is immoral.  Who can argue with that assessment? 

What Have I Been Doing Instead of Driving Crazy Taxi? 

Walking deep into the Gila Wilderness.  What is so amazing is that I have yet to meet another hiker, meaning I am all alone to enjoy the wild surrounding me.  Today's trail was lined with big yellow "sunflower-like" blossoms.  Damn its beautiful around here.  Try SW New Mexico.  You might like it.


Late this afternoon I took a walk deep into the Gila National Forest.  Again, 1 1/2 hours in the same direction and no one but me.  I did come across the remains of a fawn, proving how wild this area is.  It was new to the trail, because I was there five days ago.  Where  I have been walking is part of an effort called the "Mexican Wolf Reintroduction Area" so perhaps a wolf snacked on the young deer.  I composed this haiku after coming upon the animal, or what was left of it.   The Mexican Wolf is an endangered species, with about 300 left in the wild, 45 of those are in Mexico. 

5       A fawn's head and hooves 

7      festers in the sun.  Black ants

5      finishing the meal.


Nature, and life itself, can be quite brutal.  Coming across the animal stirred much emotion.  I could smell its rotting flesh.  I kicked the remains off the trail.  The air was warm.  The sky a pleasant blue. The trail rocky and dusty.  Welcome to life, and death.  Welcome to Southwest New Mexico.  

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Very Unhealthy Taxi

Since Leaving Taxi, I Have Dropped 20 Pounds

My normal adult weight has been about 155 pounds.  Toward the end of my cab driving days, I weighted nearly 200 pounds or even beyond that, underlining how unhealthy of an occupation it is.  And it isn't that I was chomping down cheeseburgers or not exercising.  I eat lots of fresh vegetables and usually walk 1-2 miles daily.  Still, given what taxi is, none of my efforts were good enough.  Unfortunately, other issues also came up, telling me it was time to quit. 

Back in 2018 when I still had my Tacoma, Washington condominium, I was making a once a week 60 mile roundtrip commute that encompassed nearly nine years.  Added to my monthly 5000 miles in the cab, my body began objecting, my liver, kidneys, abdomen and urinary tract telling me they were no longer happy with what I was doing, the stress of too many hours in the cab weakening my usually strong body.  Part of the issue was my cab driving style.  To call me relentless is apt, pushing the taxi envelope each weekend with 20-22 hour long days.  I made the big money but it was obviously killing me.  Even with taking Monday through Fridays off, and getting plenty of sleep, it wasn't enough to counteract the physical reality of beating myself to death. 

After selling my condo, I moved back into Seattle but that wasn't enough to counteract the damage already done.  In a real sense, I was continually re-patching the worn out tire that was my body.  It wasn't something that could continue.  And after I sold my medallion, and sampled the world that is Uber, the results were the same.  I made great money but my body kept asking me, "What the hell are you doing to me?"

Now that I am no longer in Seattle, and living in a very rural setting, the advantages are many.  There is no traffic, no noice, no gunshots, no road rage.  Unless I need to go into Silver City for shopping, which is 25 miles west of me on State Route 152, usually my miles are confined to my favorite walking area nine miles away down on road on NM State Highway 35.  It is a straight shot, taking me through farmland to the Nature Conservancy Preserve.  The traffic is minimal, often not meeting another car the entire way.   

Today I drove further west, doing a hike that took me on part of the Continental Divide Trail.  It was wonderful.  Only me and some very spectacular scenery.  After that, continuing down Route 35,  I soaked at the Gila River Hot Springs, $8.00 for a day pass.  I watched four hawks soaring overhead.  I jumped into the Gila River to cool off.   

All this is so much better, and much healthier than crazy taxi.  Taxi is brutal, like doing 10 rounds in a heavyweight boxing match.  Boom! Bang! Biff!  No thank you, folks, no thank you.